Individual Values: How To Breed Your Pokémon For Success

In an earlier article, we discussed how EVs can be trained to make your Pokémon more ideal for competitive battling (that article can be found here), so it’s only logical that we also teach you about Individual Values or IVs, for short.

Individual Values are special values that are given to Pokémon randomly when you find them in the wild or when they hatch from an egg. Each stat can have 0 to 31 IVs. These IVs are “invisible” and the only way to see their existence, is calculating them through rigorous methods OR go to a Stats Judge. (Stats Judges are in-game characters that will tell you how good the IVs of a specific Pokémon are. For Example; in Pokémon X/Y, the Stats Judge is an Ace Trainer located in the Kiloude City Pokémon Center)

The higher your IV is in a certain stat, the higher said stat will be. (For example: if you have 31 IVs in attack, your Pokémon will have a better attack stat than if it had 2 IVs in attack.)

How To Get Pokémon With Higher IVs:
There’s a few ways to get better IVs on your Pokémon, for example: Pokémon found in the Friend Safari will ALWAYS have two perfect IV stats. (Meaning 31 IVs in two random stats)
Additionally, there’s a new mechanic to X&Y where Pokemon that cannot breed (not even with Ditto, so no Magnemites or Dittos) will always be granted three flawless IVs. This group mainly consists of legendary Pokemon, but it also includes baby Pokemon like Azurill, Budew, and Mantyke that can eventually be made breedable. This is another excellent place to start to pass down flawless IVs.

When letting your Pokémon breed for eggs, you can also play around with IVs. If either of your parent Pokémon holds the Destiny Knot, the parents will pass down a whopping five IVs to the baby Pokemon. So that way, it will become easier to pass on perfect IVs from two different Pokémon to the newly hatched one.

This is why people often look for “perfect Ditto’s” (meaning; a Ditto with 6 perfect IVs) because then they can let the Ditto hold a Destiny Knot and the newly hatched Pokémon could have 5 perfect IVs from the start. Overall, breeding Pokémon with perfect IVs is a really daunting task that could take ages, but for some it’s absolutely worth it, when they are able to look at their finished team that took so much hard work.

If you’re interested in playing competitively, but don’t want to breed Pokémon for weeks in order to get the perfect Pokémon, you can always buy your competitive team right here at PokéPure! All our competitive Pokémon have the ideal IVs, natures and EV spreads, so you can be sure they’re ready to be utilized in battle!

– The PokéPure Team

Major Changes Coming to 2017 Pokémon Tournaments

Competitive Pokémon trainers across the globe, this is your chance! The 2017 Pokémon tournament scene will be more accessible than ever! Here’s a list of the changes:

– State and National championships are gone.
– These will be replaced by four continental championships that anyone can participate in. There is no residency restriction. Each event will feature huge Championship Point payouts, as well as a total prize pool of 250 000 dollars per event. Depending on your Championship Point performance, travel awards and stipends will be available to you, so you can reach the qualifiers you deserve.
– Regional tournaments will be spread evenly throughout the season (instead of being held on a few specific weekends) and will be open to players around the world.
– Premier Challenge and Midseason Showdown will return as local events for Pokémon video game players.

So get ready for regional tournaments+qualifiers and depending on your performance, you will be awarded free travel to the continental championships. Once you reach a high amount of Championship Points, you will receive your invite to the World Championship. We hope we can assist you with all the competitive Pokémon knowledge you require in order to reach the heights of your potential and get you to these high end tournaments!

– The PokéPure Team
Want to get ready for VGC and get some competitive experience already?
Competitive Pokémon For Sale Here

Introduction for the Advanced Trainer

So you have built dozens of teams, tried hundreds of Pokémon combinations, battled in the online rankings and want to learn even more.

If any of these characteristics sound like you, you might be ready for some advanced guides on how to become a better Pokémon trainer and compete in higher level tournaments. This section of the site will give you insights into the top players’ ideas, strategies and tactics in order to reach their level and be able to compete with them.

If this sounds too daunting for you and you still want to learn more about the basics of competitive Pokémon, make sure you check out our beginner guides at this link.

But if you’re ready for some advanced training, stay at this section of the site and use our information wisely!

– The PokéPure Team

A New Era of Competitive Pokémon

At PokéPure, our main goal is to create an environment where everyone can take part in competitive Pokémon at the highest level.
We believe our PokéPure Store has done a tremendous job of helping trainers everywhere get their teams ready for battle, but we don’t want to stop there.
This is why we will be giving free competitive Pokémon information from now on, right on this blog. From Smogon OU, to Never-Used, all the way to VGC championships and rankings, this blog will give you the tricks and strategies to conquer all Pokémon challenges.

– The PokéPure Team